Group Sessions

Championship Mind provides a variety of services designed to serve the needs and goals of teams.  Group sessions are often a great way of bringing mental performance training to the entire team. Alternatively, we also work with groups of coaches who are interested in learning more about sport psychology principles and the strategies deployed by elite athletes to dominate the mental game.

Group sessions are flexible, and are designed with your specific team goals in mind.  They can range from informational sessions around a topic such as anxiety, to experiential and interactive learning sessions around communication, leadership, or motivation.

Why consider group sessions?

Group sessions provide athletes with numerous opportunities to improve their performance level, practice habits and communication skills through cooperative learning.

Oftentimes, group work helps players and coaches understand what motivates each other, how they like to play, what kind of feedback is most helpful to them, and what role they’re most comfortable serving on their team.  Our goal is to create situations where athletes and coaches are able to not only learn from us, but from one another as well.


Team Culture

Your team’s culture are the shared values, beliefs, and behaviors of the group.  Culture is cultivated within the social bonds of existing teammates, and passed on to new members.  Developing team culture is a shared responsibility toward which every person will contribute.

The most successful teams are generally those who create a vision and story that is meaningful, shares their hardships, and supports one another. When working with Championship Mind on your team culture, our first goal is to understand what is important to your team, where you are now, and where you’d like to go. We can help you develop strategies for improving culture that will ultimately drive better performances and results.